I'll start with my list of tried and true Gigi and Lula favorites. Thanks to some awesome readers I have a list of your favorites too! Thanks to everyone who emailed their favorite "Read Aloud" stories and keep them coming "Reading Allowed" is going to be a running theme here on A Mother's Musings.
I must admit that these are likely my girls' favorites in part because they were either a favorite of mine as a child, so my enthusiasm for the story has likely rubbed off or they are a favorite of mine to read {probably becasue of candence, I like books with rhythm} and so by sheer volume of reads the girls love these as well...
Bear in mind I have a toddler and an early preschooler so some of these are young books, but reading is reading and it is never too soon {or too late} to start!
Big Dog Little Dog – P.D. Eastman
I remember this story from before I was able to read. My father had to.read Big Dog Little Dog to me over and over and over. The story is simple, there is not too mcuh to it, but remembering LOVING this book when I was little is why I love it now. The point is not always what you love just that you love it. Before Gigi was even born she owned a copy of Big Dog Little Dog and it was one of the first book where she could finish the page from memory if I started it - Eventually "reading" it to herself from memory. {No, Gigi is wicked smart but is NOT reading yet.}

The Runaway Bunny – Margaret Wise Brown
Just a sweet, story about a mother's love and a little one wanting to test his/her wings.

The Going to Bed Book – Sandra Boynton
I LOVE this book. It's short, sweet, simple, silly and my favorite bedtime book. I have an "Olivia" {don't worry it;s in my list and will be explained, but Gigi wants 5-12 books a night!} so after the number of bedtime stories are negotiated, I always use this as 1 of the stories and it's always the last book I read. Love this darling little storybook!

The Foolish Tortoise – Richard Buckley {Eric Carle}
Another one of my favorite short, sweet stories. Aside from my love of Eric Carle's illustrations, it's a funny little story about a tortoise who is "Tired of being being slow, impatient to get up and go"
The Very Hungry Caterpillar – Eric Carle
I felt like I couldn't tout Eric Carle without throwing The Very Hungry Caterpillar in there, but while it's a good story and possibly a "must own" if you have very little one's I don't love it like I love the Foolish Tortoise. We own a handful of the Eric Carle books an they are all worth a read!

Let’s Be Polite – P.K. Hallinan
This book is a "Tag Sale Treasure" back east or at least back home in Western Massachusetts we call Yard or Garage Sales "Tag Sales" - That being said my mother has discovered that when children are involved in the sale of their once loved items the most amazing treasures can be found. This book came from the day she discovered; if you as a child selling their books what they reccomend, amazing stories you might have passed right over can be found! An all too bright for his age, Smith College Professor's 8 year old son gave my mother detailed reports on a number of his old books. Of all his books- and I now own a number, this was truly a treat! Written as a poem, a sweet book about how "Being polite is the right way to be" - This book mentions God and has mild religious undertones {Very mild!} I am not one for secular stories but I do love this book - GREAT LESSON for little ones!!

Mouse Mess – Linnea Riley
Another Tag Sale Treasure. Darling story about a mouse that takes over the kitchen when the family he "shares a house with" goes to bed.

The white mice discover pots of paint and what happend when blue feet dance in yellow puddles and red feet dance in blue puddles and and so on....
Olivia – Ian Falconer
I love this book, possibly more than Gigi does. I love Olivia because, in a nutshell, she is Gigi. Right down to bedtime storie negotiations. Olivia is good at singing 40 very loud songs and is very good at wearing people out. And scaring the living daylights out of her little brother, Ian, particularly when he copies her every move. She is also quite skilled at reproducing Jackson Pollock's "Autumn Rhythm #30" on the walls at home. When her mother tucks her in at night and says, "You know, you really wear me out. But I love you anyway," Olivia precociously pronounces, "I love you anyway too."
The Lorax – Dr. Seuss
The hippie in me loves this story and has since I was very young. Dr. Seuss was beyond brillinat and wrote some fantactic books with important messages. The Lorax and The Butter Battle Book are my 2 all time favorite Dr Seuss books. Horton Hears a Who! {below} rounds out my top 3 Dr. Seuss Favs!
Horton Hears a Who! – Dr. Seuss
How can yonot love Horton? And his mantra is exactly what the little people in our lives want to hear "A person's a person, no matter how small."
Someday – Alison Meghee
I cannot read this story to my girls without crying. A touching story narrated by a mother to her daughter "Sometimes when you sleep I watch you dream; and I dream too"
Abiyoyo – Pete Seeger
Anothe one that goes all the way back to my own childhood. A folk tale about a boy that plays a ukelele and his magician Uncle who are banned from their villiage only to become the heros whehe stand up to the fearsome Giant Abiyoyo.
Frog and Toad are Friends – Arnold Lobel
I remember being my father reading a "chapter" a night from this book to my brother and me when I was little. This as one of those, "One more chapter, please......" books
Email me your Read Aloud favorites and why; and I will post them, along with several other A Mother's Musings readers' picks!
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