Last night I had a full on meltdown. Not just a "Mommy Tantrum" but a moment when I was aware that I was throwing a fit, an overblown, getting me nowhere, useless fit.... but I couldn't stop myself. I was almost witnessing the atrocious screaming mess as a horrified onlooker and not so much as an active participant. Well actually, I was the only participant, the girls were blinking, dumbfounded and no longer misbehaving. I am sure they were wondering What happened to Mommy? And who this monster standing in front of them was. It is that, right there, knowing that they were so shocked at my behavior that they stopped. Stopped what I had been asking them repeatedly to stop and sat...blinking..... It is a scene that will haunt me forever.
The details of what, why and my fit are not important. The fact that my Hubby stopped working and calmly took over and asked me to take a break is important. The fact that while it took getting so close to the end of my rope that I was dangling, kicking and screaming like a desperate lunatic; my DH did notice me there, no longer able to hang on. That is important. How he handled the situation... He didn't storm in and bark at the children for making mommy act like a raving mental patient. Nor did he burst in screaming at me for acting in such an appalling, frightful way. How he dealt with the moment, is important.
Having a community of moms and dads, strangers and friends to say "It's been a; curled up in a ball, sobbing on the shower floor while hubby bathes and puts the kids to bed kind of a night....." to and then be able to disclose that I was at a breaking point and I was NOT a good Mommy.... Then to have this community put their arms around me and say....
I've been there.
It's not easy.
You are doing the best you can.
It's okay.....
Tomorrow is always fresh, with not mistakes in it....yet.
That is why I blog.
I blog because I am horrified at my behavior. I need a place to vent and breathe and contemplate and get it out there, off my chest, off my shoulders and hopefully make some sense of it all. Sense of how; after 15 days parenting the kids alone. A handful of those days dealing with croup and ear infections; and late night runs to Urgent Care; and cleaning vomit off my poor child and out of my car. After managing the kids and the daily grind, breakfast to bedtime and all the nightmares and monsters in the closet and everything else in between, on my own, for 15 days....How I possibly have a meltdown on a night when my husband was home, sitting in his office and able to step in.
I hate that I held it together through a sh*tty and long two week stretch and lost it on a random Monday night; with an extra set of hands at my disposal. I hate that I carry it, and bury it and pack it all on until I cannot handle it anymore. I hate that instead of calmly walking downstairs and begging for help, admitting that I was about to lose it. Pleading for a much needed break I silently bear the weight of it all until I can no longer and I snap....
I am supposed to blog so that I can get out from under the sometimes crushing weight of it all. Say what I feel and what I mean and maybe even what I need.... and at least feel the relief of having said 'it', whatever 'it' is; even if who I said it to is not who I need to hear it. I am supposed to blog so that when all the little things happen I laugh, or cry or snort about them so that they don't become 'a crushing weight'.
I hate that I know when it's too much. I hate that I smile and say "Oh, I'm fine" when I am raging and screaming and drowning inside. I have no one to blame but myself..... But I am grateful that there is someone here to help out. Even if it's not all the time.... I am not truly a single parent, all alone, with no one to help, ever. I am grateful that I can have a "curled up in a ball, sobbing moment" and there is someone here to help and someone here to listen and someone here to knock on the shower door and ask "Are you okay?" I know that I do not say "Thank You" near enough for what I do have. I know maybe if I could be openly grateful for the help I get as often and I feel grateful I would have help more often. I am a work in progress......... I will add that to the list of things I need to work on.... Above all else in times like theses, I am grateful for a community of people, out there in the dark to say.... It will be alright, you are not alone.
I blog because it can be dark, and lonely. I blog because this whole parenting thing is hard and it helps to know that I am not the only one who struggles to get it right. I blog because the glow of my computer screen makes it a little less dark, and a little less lonely and that..... well that is something.
From the bottom of my heart, to those of you who sent messages and tweets last night checking in and offering words of encouragement. I am fine..... and I mean that honestly. I had a good scream {okay well a "bad scream"} and a good cry and a moment away and I feel better, once again composed, just a bit lighter of spirit and mind and quite a bit more ready to take on the day and the night and the week ahead....
Thank You for being my Community!